S. Rudolph Alexander Performing Arts Series
There are four ways to park at SRAPAS:
- Join the FRIENDS at the Leader Level ($250) and above and park in the staffed FRIENDS Lot at Fifth and Harding Streets. Credential required.
- Purchase a season parking pass ($25) and park in the McGinnis, Messick and Speight lots near Wright Auditorium (spaces are guaranteed). Credential required.
- Handicap spaces are available on a first-come, first-parked basis on Wright Circle and Beckwith Drive.
- Park for free on campus near the Rivers, Austin and Fletcher lots, as well as any B lot. Spaces are not guaranteed.
Review the SRAPAS parking map.
Family Fare
Events are held on Friday evenings when classes are not in session. Parking enforcement is relaxed to accommodate Family Fare guests. Please park near Wright Auditorium in A1 spaces. (Do not park in specially marked spaces.)
Arts Smart
Buses report to Wright Auditorium. Students and teachers depart for the performance. The bus reports to a staging lot at the stadium. Buses must depart campus in that there is not enough room to stack buses for Arts Smart events. Buses return to the auditorium in a longest-traveled, first-dismissed order. Please review the Arts Smart bus map.
Guests arriving by car for Arts Smart may purchase a B1 pass through the Arts Smart ticketing portal at least two weeks prior to the event or report to the ECU Parking and Traffic Office at 305 East Tenth Street (next to McDonalds) to purchase a pass day-of-show. Refer to the Arts Smart car parking map for parking strategies.